Page 34 - The Experience_Volume 1_CBG-New
P. 34
I t’s no secret that the popularity of preowned a�ract customers who appreciate the quality,
cra�smanship, and status associated with these
luxury items has been on a steady rise. From
high-end designer handbags to luxury
watches, more and more consumers are turning brands.
to preowned luxury items as a way to enjoy the Cross-selling opportuni�es: Offering
�meless treasures they desire. Here, we discuss preowned luxury handbags can open up cross-
why preowned luxury is becoming increasingly selling opportuni�es for other brands in your
popular and why you should consider adding or store. Customers purchasing a preowned
expanding this category within your store. handbag may also be interested in fine jewelry
and Swiss �mepieces as well.
Accessibility: it’s not only
about price, but also about Ul�mate luxury experience:
availability. Preowned handbags by adding preowned designer
allow customers to find rare, handbags, you have the ability to
limited edi�on, discon�nued cater to a broad audience who
styles and colors that might not desire and seek out luxury
be easily accessible through experiences which allows you to
tradi�onal retail channels. By elevate your business to the next
offering these unique pieces, you level.
are giving customers the
opportunity to own something Overall, adding preowned
truly special and unique to show luxury handbags to your store
off their personal style. Luxury can provide a range of benefits,
Supply Co specializes in helping from increased profit margins
you fulfill special requests from and a new customer base to
your customers as well. sustainability and exclusivity. By
allowing Luxury Supply Co to
A�ract a new customer base: carefully curate your collec�on,
Adding preowned luxury handbags to your store you can create a niche market for preowned
can a�ract a new client base, primarily the self luxury handbags and differen�ate your store
purchasing woman who might not always be in from compe�tors.
the market for new jewelry, but s�ll want to treat
themselves to something special. We welcome
all CBG members
Sustainability and ethical considera�ons: to our booth to
Buying preowned handbags is an check out our
environmentally friendly choice, as it extends the daily assortment
lifecycle of a product and reduces the demand of curated bags
for new produc�on. It also aligns with the and accessories
growing consumer preference for sustainable as we unveil new
and ethically sourced products, allowing you to pieces every
cater to a socially conscious audience. morning during
the show! We
Established and trusted brands: Luxury looking forward
handbag brands have a strong reputa�on and to seeing you all
loyal customer base. By offering preowned in our home city
handbags from these renowned brands, you can of Miami!
leverage their credibility and desirability to