Page 31 - The Experience_Volume 1_CBG-New
P. 31

5         Ninja Moves

                                                             For Your Email Strategy

                   In today's digital age, email marke�ng remains a powerful and cost-effec�ve tool for businesses like

                     yours, providing a direct and personalized way to connect with your target audience. However, to
                   truly maximize the poten�al of this strategy, it's crucial to implement effec�ve techniques that yield

                    be�er results. In this ar�cle, we will explore five personalized �ps to enhance your email marke�ng
                                             efforts and drive greater success for your jewelry business.

                   1   Segment Your Audience Strategically: As a jewelry business  emails are responsive and display flawlessly on smaller screens. Use a
                                                                                  single-column layout, large fonts, and clear call-to-ac�on bu�ons to
                       owner, understanding your customers' unique preferences is key.
                   Segment your email list based on their interests, purchase history, and  enhance the mobile user experience and boost click-through rates.
                   browsing behavior. By doing so, you can deliver tailored content that
                   Analyze past interac�ons and customer data to create meaningful 4   Focus on Valuable Content: As a jewelry business owner, you
                   resonates with each group, increasing the chances of conversions.
                                                                                       know the importance of building trust and loyalty with your
                   segments and send more relevant messages that cap�vate your    customers. Instead of solely promo�ng products, offer valuable
                   audience. For instance when someone buys an ring create a rule that  insights and educa�onal content related to the world of jewelry
                   will reach out to the customer a month later with the matching  fashion. Share industry trends, style guides, or even stories behind
                   pendant.                                                       your jewelry pieces to establish authority and foster engagement with
                                                                                  your subscribers. For instance around the award season send out “best
                   2   Cra� Compelling Subject Lines: The first impression ma�ers!  dressed” emails or “how to get the look” emails to have customers
                                                                                  interact with your brand on a regular bases.
                       Invest �me in crea�ng a�en�on-grabbing subject lines that en�ce
                   recipients to open your emails. As a jewelry business, add a touch of
                   with your email content. Steer clear of spammy language and excessive 5  Test and Analyze Con�nuously: To shine like a stunning gem, your
                   elegance and personaliza�on to your subject lines, ensuring they align
                                                                                       email marke�ng strategies need constant refinement and
                   punctua�on to avoid triggering spam filters and maintain a     op�miza�on. Run A/B tests on various elements, such as subject lines,
                   professional image. The most important thing when it comes to subject  content, visuals, and calls-to-ac�on, to iden�fy what resonates best
                   lines is A/B tes�ng the open rate on a few hundred emails with two  with your audience. Leverage analy�cs to track key performance
                   different subject lines and then determine the be�er one and then  indicators like open rates, click-through rates, and conversions. These
                   send it out to the whole list.                                 insights will empower you to fine-tune your strategies and deliver even
                                                                                  more cap�va�ng email campaigns.
                   3   Op�mize for Mobile Devices: In the world of jewelry fashion,  We hope these personalized �ps will help your jewelry business
                       staying on-trend is essen�al, and that includes op�mizing your
                   email campaigns for mobile devices. With a significant por�on of your  achieve be�er email marke�ng results and make your brand shine even
                   audience accessing emails on smartphones and tablets, ensure your  brighter among your audience.

                                       Pinny Gniwisch, Instructed Digital Marke�ng at McGill University
                                       Pinny is recognized globally as a great thinker and expert in social media, online marke�ng and merchandising, and is widely sought
                                       a�er as a speaker on ecommerce and online branding with his warm and engaging speaking style.
                                       Under Pinny’s leadership as a founder and the EVP of Business Development, revolu�onized the way consumers bought
                                       jewelry, and the no�on of modern e-commerce. As of 2017 Pinny moved over to Delmar Jewelry as EVP Marke�ng and
                                       Business development.

                                       Pinny is a Adjunct Professor at McGill University in its first ecommerce and social media course, a former board member of
                                       (the Na�onal Retail Federa�on’s (NRF) ecommerce organiza�on), and is a board member for Jewelers For Children.

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